恐らく世界中の市場で出ているのはこの1台だけです。 大変貴重な物です。 各鍵は有りませんが解錠されている状態です。 通電OK。ランプ点灯OK(1個球切れ)。 当初正常に動作しましたが最近動かなくなりました。(原因不明) どこか致命的な壊れ方をしている印象は有りません(素人判断なので信憑性は有りませんが・・・) 針が変更された形跡が有ります。 調整及び修理は必要です。 なんでも鑑定団の鑑定士の君塚氏と連絡が取れ確認をして頂きましたが下記と同等ではないかとの事でした。 ワーリッツァーのジュークボックス|開運!なんでも鑑定団|テレビ東京 https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/kantei/smp/kaiun_db/otakara/20210119/01.html 重さ68㎏有りますので直接手渡しor引き取り出来る方希望です。 高額及び希少品ですのでゆっくりご検討下さいませ。 よろしくお願いいたします。 24 x 22.75 x 20.75 inch / 610 x 578 x 520mm These miniature counter-top jukeboxes were created for locations that did not have the floor space for a large console machine. This model plays 12 different selections, one-side-only, and accepts only nickles and dimes, offering one play per 5 cents. The jukebox cabinet did not contain a speaker, so it was necessary to either provide a ceiling-hung speaker (which looked like a flying saucer) or enclose a speaker in a base cabinet for the jukebox to rest upon, as in this case. As with the larger Rock-ola jukeboxes of this period, the mechanism was simple and quite reliable, and featured two separate motors (unlike Wurlitzer): one for the record changing mechanism and one for the turntable (which had an adjustable speed control to ensure proper sound). (2021年 6月 10日 12時 25分 追加) SPレコードが何枚かセットされています。 (2021年 6月 21日 13時 13分 追加)
Zenmarket.jp - buying service from Japanese online stores recommended by seller
24 x 22.75 x 20.75 inch / 610 x 578 x 520mm
These miniature counter-top jukeboxes were created for locations that did not have the floor space for a large console machine. This model plays 12 different selections, one-side-only, and accepts only nickles and dimes, offering one play per 5 cents. The jukebox cabinet did not contain a speaker, so it was necessary to either provide a ceiling-hung speaker (which looked like a flying saucer) or enclose a speaker in a base cabinet for the jukebox to rest upon, as in this case. As with the larger Rock-ola jukeboxes of this period, the mechanism was simple and quite reliable, and featured two separate motors (unlike Wurlitzer): one for the record changing mechanism and one for the turntable (which had an adjustable speed control to ensure proper sound).
(2021年 6月 10日 12時 25分 追加)
(2021年 6月 21日 13時 13分 追加)
Zenmarket.jp - buying service from Japanese online stores
recommended by seller